Thursday, 10 January 2019

So the ultimate answer is... yes, it worked!

I really wanted to share more details of this journey and I've missed a big chunk of it but here we are.
We're now 9 weeks pregnant and 2 days ago we saw our baby's heartbeat on ultrasound.

I've been so terrified of losing this one too but we now have a 97% chance of having a healthy pregnancy and actually having a baby in August! It seems so surreal.

All the different facets of my life are colliding with an array of challenges around this time, but we're just making it work.

On the vegan side: first up, lets get the nutrition side out of the way. I had a bunch of blood and urine tests done and just got the results today. I'm in the normal range for everything (except thyroid hormone but that was a bit weird and the dr called the lab to see if they can get confirmation that it was a correct result, as I have no history of thyroid issues and no symptoms of anything now).
My iron levels are actually in the normal range! Low-normal, but still normal. I don't have bloods often, but usually my iron is low.

Previously I've never taken any supplements but I'm now on a naturopath-recommended, vegan pregnancy multi plus I'm also using a B12 spray and also taking iron tablets every other day. I've always felt healthy on a raw vegan diet without supplements, but I'm super-conscious of the fact that I want to do everything I can. Plus at the moment my nausea (all day sickness, not just morning!!) means I'm not eating that much.

So all in all, I'm very excited that at this stage, I'm pretty healthy!

Exercise-wise, I'm still walking the dogs for around an hour each day, though maybe going a tad slower than normal sometimes! I usually go to 1 hour gym classes 3 or 4 days per week - my gym has been closed over the festive season and is currently only doing limited classes so I've scaled that back by necessity. I went to a step class today and it was great! Intensified the nausea a little bit but sitting down does that too, so I might as well be moving my body!
My class instructor is an incredible inspiration - she just birthed her beautiful daughter in November and was still teaching multiple classes each week until she was 36 weeks pregnant!! So she's great inspiration and also is keeping an eye on me and will help make sure I don't over-do anything.

In terms of where things are at with rescue - well, it is still kitten season! We've got 64 cats and kittens at home at the moment (on top of 3 dogs, 2 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs, 2 sheep, 2 geese and 2 roosters - we like to do things in pairs). Probably my greatest fear about everything is still the question of how will I give my baby my everything, while continuing to save innocent lives? Who will save the ones I don't?
I'm having an adoption event on the weekend and hoping for a big one with lots of adoptions, so fingers crossed there! We have SO many kittens who are all just coming up to adoption age all at once and they're doing my head in with how messy they all are. Still have new ones coming in almost every day. We also had some puppies in (with a carer, not at home with me!) so I've spent this week liaising with adopters and the carers but all 3 of them have really lovely homes now so that was a good outcome.

What else? Oh, so yesterday Logan (my wifey) was spat on and called a faggot at work. Logan works at a detention centre and it was a detainee who did it, there's really very little recourse available to take in this instance so it's just a "grin and bear it" scenario. I think I was more hurt than Logan to be honest. No one should have to deal with this. It was an unpleasant reminder of the fact that an awful lot of people aren't going to like the fact that our baby has two parents of the same sex. The fact that Logan is gender-diverse probably just makes that worse. It would be so nice to just get through a day without something going wrong for Logan, sometimes that seems impossible!

We went op-shopping this afternoon to try and buy sealed jars (we have a weevil issue in our pantry!)
We may have become slightly distracted and purchased this adorable painting for the nursery. :)

Oops apparently I can't link the picture here. I'll try again at a later stage!